The boy looked dead immediately after Jesus claimed to have healed him. Then Jesus knelt, grabbed the boy’s hand, and raised him up.
Mark says, “and he stood up.”
Once Jesus completed his miracle, he led the disciples away into a private home. The guys were irritated and confused that he healed the boy.
“Why couldn’t we heal him?” They asked. Jesus said, “His condition would heal only through prayer.”
Jesus emphasized that power comes from a source outside of this universe which does not depend upon this world for energy. The disciples should have asked God to help them.
* * *
After they departed Caesarea Philippi and traveled toward Galilee, Jesus taught them.
After speaking of his impending arrest, torture, and execution, he said, “and after three days he will rise again.” Jesus referred to himself in the third person.
Jesus’ miracle and the reference to his death and resurrection occurred near the same time according to Mark’s arrangement.
By conjoining these events together and using a common Greek word for “and he stood up” and “he will rise again,” Mark probably wants us to draw the correlation.
That is: the source behind Jesus’ miracle is the source behind his coming resurrection.
Jesus resurrected by power not contained in the universe nor hindered by the universe.
Simply take a moment and let that sink in.