Why is Jesus’ resurrected body a physical body and not like a ghost? Why is his physical resurrection important for the earth?
“What will happen?” We ask this question more than we realize. It attracts our attention and paralyzes us from taking the leap. It also energizes us in hope. We want to know the future. We want a better future, a better world.
Movies frequently depict the world decades or even centuries later. Often times, everyone is healthier, prettier, stronger, and life is easier. (Unless they want to make money—then they write about zombies.)
“But who cares about the world 50 years from now, I want to know what will happen to me when….” True, we care more about our own, immediate future than the future of the world…unless you’re Elon Musk (the Tesla guy who sends rockets into space).
I agree—when our future is taken care of, then we can worry about the world. When Jesus resurrected, he addressed both concerns. His new body depicts the future world and it frees us to live in hope rather than fear. See below for reasons why.
Jesus’ resurrection was the first creation of the new creation, the new world. Jesus’ body is a physical body that will last forever (no sickness, weakness, decay, or brushing his teeth). His old body functioned and died like everyone else’s. There was nothing unique about it. When the first humans sinned, death and corruption came to be. Without God’s blessing, the world cannot function as it is meant to.
But God began the new creation plan.
As God sought to restore his blessing on the earth, he magnified the issue showing us our problem. Humans need a radical change because of their radical disobedience—because of their radical tendency to choose their way over God’s. They forsook and now forsake the blessing.
By becoming a human, God literally took the problem into his own hands on our behalf in order for the blessing to return. And that blessing is seen in the first creation of the new creation which God is bringing—the first creation is Jesus’ new body…a radical change.
Jesus’ resurrected body is like the new body Jesus’ followers will receive. Those who hear and embrace the good news of Jesus will receive a new body that lasts forever (no sickness, weakness, decay, or brushing your teeth). Once Jesus’ message has been proclaimed to all people groups, then God will finalize his plans.
He will do away with all evil, and enhance all that is good. Jesus’ followers who’ve died will receive a new body and live on a new earth forever—enjoying God, each other, and the world—even animals will be new.
Jesus’ resurrection is God’s tangible picture of hope and peace. As Jesus followers seek to show others the new creation life and spread the new creation message, they encounter pain and suffering. In fact, all do so. No one is immune from suffering.
Jesus’ message not only gives hope of a better future beyond death, it also gives a concrete picture of hope’s contents—a new body on a new earth with no suffering, pain, or disappointment. You will be taken care of…forever.
Jesus’ resurrection is not for himself only—it is for you. It is his gift to you so that you don’t have to rely on your own resources or ingenuity. He gives you something nothing in the universe can provide—himself, his promises, and his power.
Enjoy. Cherish. And Hope.
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