No one wishes to die in vain. In other words, everyone wants their life to mean something when they die. People don’t want to die and leave the world unaffected. My wife and I caught up on the Harry Potter series over the summer—I had only watched the first three and she had not seen them in a long time.
As a baby, Harry survived the attack from Voldemort, but his parents didn’t; Harry’s mom risked her life for him. Making it into the fifth movie, I could already tell that Harry must overcome Voldemort before evil overcomes the world or it will feel as if his parents died in vain. And we don’t like stories where people die in vain.
Jesus’ resurrection validates his death and proves that he didn’t die in vain. While he did much good in his life, his “good-doing” did not stop with his death. In fact, his death itself was the most important good deed he had ever done. And the resurrection validates it for our benefit. Below, I write why.
Jesus’ resurrection validates his actions and death on behalf of Israel. N.T. Wright has helpfully explained that Jesus was representing the nation of Israel in his life, death, and resurrection. First century Israel was still waiting upon God to rescue them from their enemies, establish them in global dominance and prosperity, and fill them with his presence in a new and powerful way. Israel believed they had gotten into their predicament because of disobedience to God. God promised to rescue them. Israel was waiting for God to rescue them.
Jesus acted on their behalf by fully obeying God which they never did nor could do. Jesus died for their disobedience in order that God’s punishment for their disobedience may be satisfied. Jesus endured the full punishment on their behalf. Now Israelites can receive God’s forgiveness and inherit God’s promises—through Jesus.
Jesus’ resurrection validates his actions and death on behalf of all nations. God wanted to use Israel to bless the world. Due to humanity’s disobedient nature, Israel did not fully receive God’s intended blessing nor did God’s blessing channel to the world through them.
Now, God’s full blessing—which he wants all people to receive—is freely available because Jesus died on behalf of all people who previously earned death and he resurrected so that all people can enjoy new life.
If Jesus did not resurrect from the dead, then his death would lack significance (all people die!) and it would lack power (why should we believe him?).
Jesus’ resurrection validates your significance. You are important to God. Your friends are important to God. The earth is important to God. When people ignore, disobey, or disbelieve God, they earn God’s judgment and curse. Since all have done the above, Jesus stepped in, took the curse upon himself, and now extends God’s blessing to whomever will receive it.
Jesus’ resurrection is God’s “YES” to the goodness of the earth as well as his “NO” to its corruption. Rather than leave the earth in a state of perpetual decay, Jesus resurrected. All evil will be gone one day because God has dealt with all evil in Jesus’ death.
Since Jesus resurrected, we know that the life we live now has significance. Humanity is not traveling in the car of decay to the destination of oblivion—there is another way. God does not wish for people to manufacture their own purpose or happiness. Jesus’ resurrection proves that certain ways of living are better than others and certain joys are worth pursuing more than others.
The resurrection is the seal stating Jesus is who he said he was and that his death meant what he said it meant. Jesus’ resurrection translates Jesus’ inexplicable death into a clear message from God. The message is: “In Jesus, God was reconciling the world to himself.”
So remember, we must look at the sun of Jesus’ death through the glasses of his resurrection. Otherwise, we will misinterpret it. God’s full blessing and joy was inaccessible…then Jesus died…justice is paid and God’s joy is now offered to all. Jesus’ resurrection is God’s microphoned shout to all people saying, “Come!” No sales pitch needed. The new creation has now begun…
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