The answer to this simple question can change your entire life. But no one can ask it for you. Answering the question without interest in it is like eating cold, leftover enchiladas while you’re craving fresh, steaming Fajitas—it’s just not the same and definitely isn’t satisfying….
So, take a moment, pause, and ask yourself…What is the resurrection of Jesus? Who was Jesus? Does a man who died almost 2,000 years ago have any relevance to me?
Does a man who died almost 2,000 years ago have any relevance to me? No, he doesn’t…unless his words are worth remembering, his actions are worth replicating, and his influence is worth receiving.
Throughout history, we find such people. And many of them influence us—even if we take only a few hours to learn about them.
Due to Jesus’ historical popularity, his impact across all levels of society, and his fascinating life, it is important for us to at least know something about him.
Who was Jesus? Jesus of the Bible was born around 4 BC and died between 30–34 AD. He was:
- born of a virgin in a small Jewish town called Bethlehem
- raised as a Jew in Nazareth
- experienced Roman rule and oppression
- travelled throughout Israel
- taught in a variety of towns
- rejected social norms
- attracted large followings who marveled at his teachings and ability to heal people
- condemned by Jewish leaders of his day
- beaten and crucified by Rome under the command of Pontius Pilate
- buried in the tomb of a rich, Jewish man named Joseph of Arimathea
…and resurrected with a new body seen by hundreds of people.
What is the resurrection of Jesus? At the end of the four first-century accounts, Jesus died but did not remain dead. He died on Friday and was buried in a tomb shortly thereafter. On Sunday morning, the large stone that covered the hole of the tomb was removed. Jesus’ body was not in the tomb as it was left.
What happened? He resurrected. Jesus’ body was recreated and his life restored. His old body was not simply reanimated or reenergized. Rather, it was newly developed without any imperfections or capability of destruction. And it happened just as he said it would.
The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event for understanding Jesus and Christianity. And Christians would say it is the most important event for the world.
The resurrection:
- is the greatest miracle Jesus performed—he brought others back to life, but they never received new bodies like his
- validates Jesus’ words—he claimed to be God
- vindicates his unjust accusations and death—authorities did not accept his actions or words
- proves the purpose of his death—that he died on behalf of others
- initiates the plan of New Creation—those who believe in him will receive new bodies and will one day live on a new earth
- activates his followers to live new lives—his followers can partially experience the new creation life…right now.
As a Christian, it is easy to assume the resurrection of Jesus—we neglect learning about it or reflecting on it. As a non-Christian, it is easy to dismiss the resurrection of Jesus without studying it or spending time with those who’ve been changed by it.
If it happened, everything has begun to change.
Thanks for Reading,